It’s Time To Turn Your Passion & Purpose Into Profits With Your Very Own Million Dollar Funnel

Book a call now to make sure this is the right opportunity for you, We will help you determine if your business is ready. If you are not ready, we will let you know.[/text_block]

- Get the complete blueprints of our major two funnels and everything we do to market them right now … this includes my Million Dollar Funnel never shared before!
- Learn the latest marketing insights based on over 6 figures of investment and my commitment to working with some of the top names in digital marketing
- Create your own blueprint to begin using your funnel IMMEDIATELY (and trust me you’ll be light years ahead of any other healers, coaches or experts trying to do this stuff)
- The technology details of exactly how we do everything, which software to use and how to keep things simple while still getting massive results
- Discover the insider scoop on how to get the funnel DONE FOR YOU (without breaking the bank) so you don’t have to implement or write a single thing!

- How To Create A High Ticket Program that your clients will love so much that they almost beg you to join!
- My personal Conversion Maximizing Script that will teach you exactly what to say step-by-step so potential clients truly understand the value that you’re offering and buy without you being all sleazy or “salesy”

Grow your email list fast and turn new subscribers into customers

Create a high ticket program that your clients will love, and

Enrol your best people into it without resorting to sleazy sales tactics

Live in Dallas, February 23rd, 2019

Cannot make it to the Live Event? No worries! The Entire event will be recorded and shared with you in both Video and Audio format!

You are ONLY 1 funnel away from your million dollars!

Here is what you receive when you invest …

Million Dollar Funnel Formula
Valued at $10,000

Learn EXACTLY how we got 41,378 subscribers (without spending a dime on traffic) and turned them into customersthat love and trust us 🙂
And then a High Ticket Funnel to sell bigger packages and programs to your existing clients (and I’ll show you how to actually create those programs and enroll people into them as well).[/text_block]

High Ticket Product Creation Formula
Valued at $2,000

Conversion Maximizing Script
Valued at $2,500

And since I want to ENSURE YOUR SUCCESS …
I am going to give you a few bonuses as my gift.

Create High Ticket Program
Valued at $2,000

Traffic Generating Funnel
Valued at $10,000

Need to grow your list? No problem! This is one of our favorite in-house funnels to generate traffic using FB Ads. I will teach you how to avoid costly mistakes. Many people will teach you how to get opt-ins. But those opt-ins never convert to sales! That’s a very costly mistake that two years ago cost me $30,000. You will not only learn how to avoid such expensive mistakes but know EXACTLY which strategies are working in 2019 for ads and how you can use them quickly to start getting lots of new clients.
Believe me I can easily sell this funnel for $50,000 or more because it has been working for me all these years to generate millions.[/text_block]

FREE TICKET To The Abundance and Wealth Retreat
Starting at $447

You are ONLY 1 funnel away from your million dollars!

Here’s What Some of My Coaching Program Students have to Say:

“My Entire Life Has Changed For The Better. My Business Is Solid And My Ability To Serve Others Has Me Grow An International Presence.”

You were born to serve in the manner you have developed your life and you continue to touch thousands of hearts every day.
I will and would always recommend this program to other healers and your training, Anyone joining her group is blessed for the opportunity” ~ Andie Depass, Soul Frequency Consciousness[/text_block]

“Because Of Eram, I Was Able To Earn Well Over Ten Times My Investment (Net) With A Lineup Of Clients Eager To Work With Me”

Although I had published a bestselling book, I wasn’t getting any recognition from my peers. I was fed up with working so hard and not getting tangible results and was reluctant to go into further debt just to get coaching.
When I heard about Eram’s coaching through my friend, Jenny Ngo, and witnessed the amazing success she had, I was encouraged to apply. I was tentative to fork over thousands of dollars in coaching yet again, but from the moment I spoke to Eram, I trusted her.
Her track record in the industry is solid and she easily convinced me that my expertise in entities was in great demand. I had found few other people interested in talking about entities until I met Eram. The clincher for me was that she promised I would be successful or I’d get my money back! (who else promises this in the coaching industry?)
I’m thrilled that I became part of this program and the wonderful family at From Heartache to Joy. I felt supported by the whole team and I was able to get answers to questions about marketing that had been plaguing me for years.
Because of Eram, I was able to earn well over ten times my investment (net) with a lineup of clients eager to work with me. I’ve closed my acupuncture practice to new patients and I envision that my income from remote clients will continue to grow exponentially.
I now have a loyal and supportive tribe of AMAZINGLY bright and loving Light Warriors who spread my message of healing far and wide! I love them and they love me. It is truly magical. I also feel I can finally take some time off from working so hard all these years!
There is no question that growing your income means growing yourself bigger and that includes being willing to take on new challenges. If you’re ready to grow your energy healing business to the next level and you’re a good student like me, this is one of the BEST investments you can make to catapult you to success. I highly recommend it!” ~ Dr. Karen Kan, Holistic Physician & Founder of TOLPAKAN ™ Healing method[/text_block]

“I’ve Made 8 Times What I Have Made In 1.5 Yrs Of Work”

For 1.5 yrs, I didn’t make hardly any money, maybe $5K starting up my energy healing practice from scratch. I was struggling to find clients in my local areas who were ready and open to my healing work, my speciality entity clearing and healing.
Eram taught me and others how to be a successful global telesummit speaker and introduced us to the world literally! I had a successful launch debut and in 5 months, I’ve made 8 times what I have made in 1.5 yrs of work. I may even hit my first 6 figure ever in my entire life.
I highly recommend this coaching program to anyone who is resonating. ~ Jenny Ngo, RN, MSN, Dimensional Healing[/text_block]

“Eram has spent years perfecting her platform for you and she shares ALL her expertise to get you more people and of course, more monies! It is priceless knowledge and when you have a marketing mentor like Eram, you know you are in the right place!”

There are training calls with Eram every week and this is exclusive to those who join. You want to be on those calls! I would go so far as to say that they are life changing in how to price yourself, market yourself and my fave, how to design testimonials. Eram has spent years perfecting her platform for you and she shares ALL her expertise to get you more people and of course, more monies! I have been amazed at how much I didn’t know and how much I had still had to learn (and am still learning). It is priceless knowledge and when you have a marketing mentor like her, you know you are in the right place!
There are many on the FHTJ team who support you along the way – Samia, Naila, Gretchen, Priya, Chris – making sure you always feel supported to be the best lightworker you can be. My own work includes holding hands (literally!) and to have my own hand held so well has been heartening and rewarding in so many ways! I can’t wait to come on again! This is absolutely the best Tele Summit globally today!“~ Nidhu Kapoor[/text_block]

“The Best Investment I Made To Myself And My Healing Business”

Since being on her show I’ve have so many doors open for me and it really launched my career as a healer. I’ve met so many wonderful clients and am so grateful to be a part of this community and FHTJ family.”~ Iona[/text_block]

“The Most Amazing Adventure Of Your Life!”

It is challenging and magical and fun and you not only gain a career that allows you to share who you truly are with the whole world, you are also accepted and supported and allowed to help many people feel the same and create their own Joyful Abundance!
This is what I experienced and the words of gratitude do not quite express the joy that working with Eram and her whole team has brought to me. Not only did I experience their support I am pleased to say I gained new friends. So I will say with Joyful Gratitude that I would recommend this amazing adventure to all who also are asking to be a Joyful Contribution to are world!” ~ Susan Reis[/text_block]

“So If You Want To Reach More People, Make A Bigger Difference, Not Have To Worry About How To Get Clients, Not Have To Sell, This Will Be A Game Changer”

I set the intention that I connect with the perfect mentors, speakers, summits and then a after a few months, my psychic friend who loves Eram’s show told me I would do great with her Summit and that I needed to reach out to her. We connected, I loved her story, I signed up on the spot, learnt priceless information how to do a call successfully and my career took off!
I have clients from all over the world and have been invited to some of the biggest healing summits. I made my investment back and then some after my first call with eram. You can easily make 6 figures from your services using this business model.
I love that it teaches you all that you need. How to create your own program, what to say, how to sell, and how to make more money from the back end. I loved receiving the support from my peers, and that we have a weekly call where we can connect with Eram and ask any questions.
Eram is the one of my best mentors and is always sharing what she is learning to help is succeed even more. Eram’s summit has been the most profitable summit I have been on. They really know how to promote you and how to sell and market better than anyone else.
So if you want to reach more people, make a bigger difference, not have to worry about how to get clients, not have to sell, this will be a game changer! You can simply book in a time to chat with her to see if its a good fit. You are welcome to email me if you want to confirm this information about my experience.” ~ Tarek Bibi, Healer, Rap Artist and founder of the Infinity Academy[/text_block]

That being said, sales funnels are used in all kinds of businesses so please book in a time to chat even if you’re not a healer or in one of the business types that we normally talk about.[/text_block]

You are ONLY 1 funnel away from your million dollars!

Copyright @ 2019 – From Heartache to Joy